Rules & Regulations

Norms for Pupil’s Conduct

  1. Students should come to school clean and tidy and hair combed neatly. Hair should not be coloured. Boys must have short cropped hair and girls with long hair must tie their hair.
  2. No Jewellery, fancy clips or make-up may be worn.
  3. Hair gel or hair fixer should not be applied.
  4. No child will be allowed to go home before dismissal time without permission from the Headmistress.
  5. Students must wish their teachers both inside and outside the campus.
  6. Students are responsible for their own books, pencils, rubbers, water bottles and other articles.
  7. Students should not bring any objectionable literature into the school campus.
  8. No pupil will be sent from the school to take part in the activities of any political organization or similar organizations.
  9. Pupils should not leave their classroom during any period. They are prohibited from going out of the school premises during school hours.
  10. Every care must be taken by students to protect school property. Any damage done to school property will be made good by the parents/guardians of the child.
  11. No collection of money for any purpose whatsoever is to be taken up without the permission of the Headmistress.
  12. All instructions issued from time to time should be carefully followed and obeyed.
  13. English is the only language of communication within the school premises.
  14. Intoxicants like khaini, betelnut (paan), talab etc is strictly prohibited inside the campus.
  15. Any form of electronic gadgets like mobile phone, ipod, MP3/MP4 players, camera, smart watch is strictly prohibited. If caught the item shall not be returned until the end of the Academic session.
  16. Quarrelling/Fighting among students (with fellow students or outsiders) inside or outside the school compound is strictly prohibited. In case of any dispute of whatever nature, the decision of the Headmistress will be final and binding.
  17. No Student is allowed to take home tuition for a subject from the concerned subject teacher.
  18. Bullying is strictly prohibited inside the school premises and no such act will go unnoticed or unpunished.
  19. Using alcohol/intoxicants/drugs with school uniform, inside or outside the school or bringing such to school is strictly prohibited.
  20. Strikes of any kind in any manner by the students is not allowed.
  21. Students are not allowed to drive two wheelers/four wheelers to school as they have not attained the required age to be licensed.
  22. Students are not allowed to post/create videos and messages about the school and their teachers. Such act will be regarded as a serious offence and will not go unpunished.

Punctuality & Sickness

The school gate will be opened every school day at 8:45 a.m and closed for morning devotion at 9:15am.

Punctuality is essential at all times, and children who contravene this rule without a valid excuse will be penalized.

Students must be punctual and in case of late comers, they should report to the Headmistress/Academic Incharge for permission to enter the Class – rooms.

Students suffering from infectious diseases will not be allowed in the school as they could cause the out-break of an epidemic. If a student is found to be suffering from any illness that is contagious, he/she will be sent home. Parents are requested to ensure that such child completes the quarantine period before rejoining school.

If a child is injured or sick during school hours, first aid will be administered in the form of giving medicine or tending to the injuries. If any further medical assistance will be required the child will be taken to the District Hospital Casualty/OPD for treatment. The school will pay for first aid only.

The school has a separate sick bed to accommodate sick children during school hours. If a child feels sick and needs to be dismissed early from school, parents will be required to pick up their child/ward when being contacted by the school. No student will be sent home without the consent of the Headmistress and parents to pick up from school.

Absence from School

In order for children to gain the full benefit from their education it is important that they attend school regularly.

If a child is unable to attend school for any reason, it is necessary to notify the school by letter or in person as soon as possible.

Leave letters must be written and signed by the parent/guardian. Absence from school must be recorded in the Regularity Record of the student’s handbook.

Students will not be permitted to avail long leave of absence during school days. If a student is absent for more than 3 consecutive days, they will be required to bring their parents to meet the Headmistress.

Children who are absent for more than one month are liable to have their names struck off School Rolls

Home Work

Homework is seen as a crucial importance to a child’s academic success. It is given according to a set of guidelines and noted in the pupils handbook which parents are encouraged to check regularly. The amount of homework given increase as the child progresses through their school.

The children are expected to do their homework as an aid to their Classroom learning and therefore parental support is essential.

A picture of the homework slip will be sent by each class teacher everyday through Whatsapp message.


We aim to provide a flexible discipline structure for our pupils which is positive and encourage self – discipline, but at the same time provide measures to discourage unacceptable behaviors. Where pupils fail to respond to the usual range of disciplinary measures, the school believes in providing counselling classes to such children with discipline issues and therefore, the school has engaged a full time counselor.

Children facing any social, emotional, personal, spiritual etc. issues are also encouraged to meet the school counselor according to his/her availability.

The school also adopted certain measures to discourage unacceptable behaviours from being repeated aside from the counselling given. The disciplinary measures ranges from Detention and if the problem persists, Suspension is given and in extreme cases, Expulsion maybe given.

In serious discipline referral the Headmistress has the authority to skip any or all of the above steps to maintain order in the school.

The school discipline committee which comprises of the Executive Director, Headmistress, both the Academic Incharge and the Counselor will be the decision making body.

The Parent/Guardian of all the children in the school individually undertake, by placing their children in this school, that they shall conform and submit to the discipline of the school.