
A community outreach program of the school can both be educationally rewarding and fun for the young student volunteers as well as a big help to the local community by providing needed resources or services. Community outreach helps connect the student community with the town or neighbouring populace in general and people in authority of various capacities in both public and private offices in particular.

We have had the “ECO CLUB” clean up drainage in the school vicinity. The same club had been distributing paper bags in different parts of Lamka town as an awareness campaign against using plastic bags under the banner “Say No to Plastic Bag”. To promote ecological balance and improve the scenic beauty of the town the school had distributed hundreds of trees to our students for planting at their respective homes in partnership with the Department of Forest, Government of Manipur. We have also let the students plant trees in the neighbourhood of Vengnuam, New Lamka.

The school also have what we call Teacher’s Outreach. Teachers are expected to reach out to their students beyond the four walls of their classrooms. This outreach relates with academics, personal, moral, financial and so forth as the teachers deem required to have a personal touch on the unique needs of each student.