
Examination and Progress Reports

  • Preparatory-Kindergarten: There will be two internal assessments- Half Yearly Assessment and Year End Assessment.
  • Class I & II : Three assessments will be held, First Assessment, Second Assessment & Third Assessment respectively.
  • Class III – X : Two assessments mainly Half Yearly Assessment and Year-End Assessment will be held. In addition two class tests each will be conducted before every assessment. The final results of Class I-X will be calculated as the average of the student’s performance throughout the year.

Each class test and assessments will be taken under consideration to make the final result for promotion.

Progress Report after each assessment will be sent to the parent/guardian along with the answer scripts for their careful scrutiny. It must be returned to the class teacher on the next working day of its issue. It may be retained by the students after the final results are entered at the end of the academic year.

Rules of Tests and Examinations

  1. Students must wear full uniform and arrive well on time.
  2. Late comers must obtain permission from the headmistress before they can enter the examination hall/rooms.
  3. Students are to bring their own writing materials, clip boards and admit cards.
  4. No student is allowed to write the Half Yearly and Year End Examination without producing a school issued admit cards.
  5. Using unfair means in the Examinations/Tests will result in immediate expulsion from the exam hall/class – room for the day and getting a Zero in the particular subject. Whether a child can continue the rest of the Examinations/Class Tests will be in the hands of the discipline committee.
  6. In case of absence during Examinations/Class Tests information has to be given to the school either to the Academic In – Charge or the Headmistress. On medical grounds, a child can be granted permission to write the Examinations/Class Tests early in a separate room. During Class Tests, if a child is absent another date can be arranged for the child to write the test in case of sickness provided prior information is given by the parents. such arrangements will not be made for Half Yearly and Year End.