School Life

  By Ms. Mangmuanching, Head Girl, VK Tawna High, 2019

A school is an institution dedicated to providing a learning space and an environment to provide education. It is a building wherein our majority of childhood has passed, a building that everyone misses after they’ve finally left it, same is the scenario in my case. I’ve studied in VK TAWNA HIGH. 

We would reach the school at around 8:50 am, approximately fifteen to twenty minutes prior to the school bell. We had to be in our respective classes before the bell rang. Then it was time for assembly where we sang the school anthem, had the school prayer, and followed by announcement, if there is any. And, that went on until 9:20am which was a time for regular school periods to begin. This continued for two periods continuously until the short break bell rang at 10:50 am. Long break after the fifth period felt more of a game period than a lunch break. Everyone would be seen doing different activities during this time.

A different game for different classes in the school. Basketball, football, running and hide and seek were some of our favourite games. As we reached the higher classes, we began to sit in an open space to chit chat about various things and about the day. After the recess, we had to attend two more periods. Not every period was boring though. Art and craft, PE, value education and mathematics periods were interesting for some.

In my school the academic year is broken up into two terms viz half yearly and year-end. The school sessions always begin with a lot of excitement and expectation. Throughout the year, students engage in healthy competitions in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and audio/visual classes, learning and participation is always fun and exciting at VK Tawna High.